Current Tax Bracket
Effective Tax Rate
Age | Year | Beginning Balance | Contribution | Withdrawal | Interest Earned | Ending Balance | Real Value |
30 | 2024 | $10,000 | +$6,000 | $0 | +$700 | $16,700 | $16,293 |
33 | 2027 | $31,540 | +$6,000 | $0 | +$2,208 | $39,748 | $36,161 |
34 | 2028 | $39,748 | +$6,000 | $0 | +$2,782 | $48,530 | $43,217 |
35 | 2029 | $48,530 | +$6,000 | $0 | +$3,397 | $57,927 | $50,513 |
36 | 2030 | $57,927 | +$6,000 | $0 | +$4,055 | $67,982 | $58,060 |
37 | 2031 | $67,982 | +$6,000 | $0 | +$4,759 | $78,741 | $65,871 |
A Roth IRA is funded with after-tax dollars, meaning you've already paid taxes on the money you contribute. Here's what makes it special:
Filing Status | Modified AGI | Contribution Limit |
Single or Head of Household | < $146,000 | Full amount |
$146,000 - $161,000 | Reduced amount | |
≥ $161,000 | Not eligible |
A qualified distribution from a Roth IRA meets these criteria:
Historical stock market returns have averaged around 7-10% annually before inflation.
The Federal Reserve targets a 2% annual inflation rate.
Consider your age and retirement timeline when choosing investments.
The 10% early withdrawal penalty may be waived for: